Chart pattern Trading

Ahura Chalki
Ahura Chalki
Published on: 02.11.2021 15:26 (UTC)
Post reading time: 0.59 min

When we are talking about charts and Patterns, sometimes it is confusing for traders, and not just for beginners, no, it is the same for advanced traders as well. Just image different kinds of tringle, Pannat, Flag, Head and shoulders, Wedge, Double top, Cup and handle, Double bottom, Rounding top or bottom and so on. They are all confusing even for me with more than 14 years of trading and analyzing experience. That was the reason for me to think about how can make it easier to be understandable for everyone. The aim of all patterns is one thing, to find the market direction! Let`s see how we can make them simpler and easier to understand and use!



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