Traders Blog - Analysis, Strategies, News and more | Category - Forex

Trading in Forex market
Trading in Forex market is perhaps one of the most challenging opportunities where everyone has the potential of making a large amount of money. Forex, an acronym for Foreign Exchange, is yet one of the most popular financial markets across the globe...

Trade currencies
Foreign Exchange market or Forex, as it is often referred to, is one of the largest and the most liquid financial markets across the world, with an average daily turnover of $5 trillion. Neglecting the factor of time zone and geography, Foreign Excha...

Currency market explained
Over the last few decades, currency market, commonly known as Foreign Exchange, Forex or FX market, has evolved at such a blinding speed that it has gained an unparalleled amount of interest from all parts of the world. Currency market or simply Fore...

What is Forex Trading
Have you ever thought why Foreign Exchange market is so popular worldwide? Well, the answer is quite simple: it offers an incredible opportunity to make profit. Whether you are trading in the Foreign Exchange market for the first time, or you are alr...

Forex Trading Calendar
Being a trader implies being able to somehow anticipate the market and avoid the possible losses. For this purpose traders and investors follow news, use various trading strategies, techniques, tools, etc. Forex trading calendar is just one of these...